The Real Jubilee

This is a song for the third banner from the Crystallization-study of Leviticus (2), published by Living Stream Ministry. The banner reads, “We must receive the Lord Jesus as the real jubilee in us; if we have Him, we have God as our possession and can be...

God Wants Us to Eat

This is a song for the second banner from the Crystallization-study of Leviticus (2), published by Living Stream Ministry. The banner reads, “God wants us to eat, digest, and assimilate Him as food so that He becomes the constituent of our inward being, and we...

God Is a Consuming Fire

This is a song for the first banner from the Crystallization-study of Leviticus (2), published by Living Stream Ministry. The banner reads, “Those who have a desire to serve God must know that God is a consuming fire that burns and energizes; this fire should be...

Exercise Yourself unto Godliness

We wrote this new song, “Exercise Yourself unto Godliness,” for the 2017 Summer College Training, Knowing, Seeing, & Gaining God in an Age of Godlessness. It draws on verses and outline points from Message Seven of the evening sessions. "Exercise...
O Morning Star!

O Morning Star!

Second Peter 1:19 says, “And we have the prophetic word made more firm, to which you do well to give heed as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.” At a conference in the spring of 2017, we ran...